Attract industry & create jobs with round-the-clock solar power & industrial heat

Emerging economies require reliable power 24 hours a day, not just when the sun shines or the wind blows. And yet sovereign and private financing of baseload fossil fuel power plants to provide 24/7 power is rapidly disappearing.
247Solar Solution: Distributed Clean Baseload Power from 247Solar Plants™
Enter 247Solar Plants.™ This modular 24/7 solution operates every hour of the year to provide the super-reliable, clean baseload power essential for economic growth. 247Solar Plants™ are scalable, so communities can start small and phase in additional power generation as demand grows.
Plus, the Plants require no backup.
And, if located near the point of use, 247Solar Plants offer the additional benefit of 24/7 industrial-grade heat. Governments can create Green Economic Development Zones to attract new industries, create jobs in almost any location, and produce economic and social benefits unavailable from fossil fuel plants:
- Lower costs of transmission infrastructure, operation, and line losses
- Lower costs of electricity
- Lower financing costs
- Greater operational flexibility for the grid
- Added grid stability, fewer outages
- No cost for backup gensets
Download the full Green Economic Development Zones Case Study below.
Green Economic Development Zones Use Case

Learn how the 247Solar Plants™ are scalable, modular and operate every hour of the year. Communities can start small and phase in additional power generation as demand grows.
Reliable Baseload Power and 80% Lower Fuel Costs
Our products help countries increase renewables penetration and reduce power dependence on unreliable grids. We supply reliable baseload power 24/7, while providing standby dispatchable emissions-free power that can lower fuel costs by up to 80%.

Modular solution for 24/7 clean power
When a country or community requires clean, reliable baseload power 24/7/365, 247Solar Inc, can deliver the entire package. Our 247Solar Plant™ is a true third-generation concentrated solar power product that uses a breakthrough design combined with other proven technologies to produce the world’s lowest-cost 24/7 solar electricity.