Remote towns and villages require round-the-clock clean power too, at affordable cost. Solar PV and wind are incomplete solutions. Conventional batteries help but for just a few hours. Backup gensets rely on expensive, dirty fuel.
HeatStorE™ operates almost exactly like electric batteries but is lower cost, offers overnight storage, and eliminates gensets by providing power even when fully discharged.
- Stores excess electricity from PV and wind as heat
- Converts heat to electricity when needed for up to 20 hours
- Burns small amounts of fuel to produce power even when storage is depleted, for 24/7 dispatchability, eliminating gensets
- 200 kWe per battery
- Provides heat for hot water, crop drying, absorption refrigeration and cooling, water purification, light industry and other uses
- Simpler operation than gensets
- 20-year high-reliability operation with little or no performance degradation
An initiative funded by a global NGO to provide round-the-clock low-carbon power and heat to remote villages throughout Mozambique.
- Requirement:
- Electricity: 5,000 individual connections initially, scaling to 155,000 connections within 4 years Heat: Industrial-grade process heat for water purification, refrigeration, and light industry
- Implementation:
- Energy source: conventional PV from a local supplier for daytime power and battery charging
- Storage: 200 kWe HeatStorE batteries for reliable 24/7 power and process heat
- 24/7 fully-dispatchable clean power and heat for communities unserved by the national grid
- Reduced power costs through elimination of gensets and near elimination of fuel
- Elimination of wood-fired cooking
- Improved economic opportunities from affordable 24/7 clean power and heat